Congratulations to Dr. Abigail Schroeter for successfully defending her thesis!
Congratulations to John on sharing the 2024 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for protein structure prediction!
Congratulations to Joshua Riback and our collaborators in the Clark lab on having their recent paper, "Properties of protein unfolded states suggest broad selection for expanded conformational ensembles," published in PNAS!
Congratulations to Kourtney Kroll on winning the David Grier Prize in Innovation in Biophysical Sciences for her project, "Engineering a Light Driven Molecular Motor", in collaboration with the Rock group.
M.C. Baxa, X. Lin, C.D. Mukinay, S. Chakravarthy, J.R. Sacheleben, S. Antilla, N. Hartrampf, J.A. Riback, I.A. Gagnon, B.L. Pentelute, P.L. Clark, T.R. Sosnick, "How hydrophobicity, side chains, and salt affect the dimensions of disordered proteins" Prot Sci 33(5):e4986 (2024).
H. Glauninger, J.A.M. Bard, C.W. Hickernell, E.M. Airoldi, W. Li, R.H. Singer, S. Paul, J. Fei, T.R. Sosnick, E.W.J. Wallace, D.A. Drummond, "Transcriptome-wide mRNA condensation precedes stress granule formation and excludes stress-induced transcripts" bioRxiv 2024.04.15.589678
S.K. Kik, D. Christopher, H. Glauninger, C.W. Hickernell, J.A.M. Bard, M. Ford, T.R. Sosnick, D.A. Drummond, "An adaptive biomolecular condensation response is conserved across environmentally divergent species" Nat Comm 15, 3127 (2024).
X. Lin, P. Haller, N. Bavi, N. Faruk, E. Perozo, T.R. Sosnick, "Folding of Prestin’s Anion-Binding Site and the Mechanism of Outer Hair Cell Electromotility" eLife 12:RP89635
T.R. Sosnick, "AlphaFold developers Demis Hassabis and John Jumper share the 2023 Albert Lasker Basic Medical Research Award" J Clin Invest. 133 (19) (2023).
K.L. Kroll, A.R. French, T.R. Sosnick, R.S. Rock, "LILAC: enhanced actin imaging with an optogenetic Lifeact" Nature Methods 20 (2023).